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All you need


Did you know that everything we experience and feel can be stored in our body?

Imagine our body as a closet with drawers. Drawers are cellular memories. We are 100% cells. When we are born, in our drawers are stored the history of our families and our stories, even with a short time to live. We already have our individuality, our ego. As we grow, our drawers open to store our experiences (good or bad) and the feelings we experience from them.

Some of these feelings, due to the trauma they promote, can cause problems in the physical body: pain in the spine and stomach, migraines, intestinal problems, allergies. Or emotional problems: Burnout Syndrome, Panic Syndrome, Anxiety Disorders and even depression.

What is the


Microphysiotherapy is a physiotherapy technique, originated in France that helps your body to open these drawers, to release traumas that are inside the cells and to overcome the traumas experienced, improving emotional pain and, consequently, physical pain. The treatment is 100% natural through touch, helping the body to self-correct and promote self-healing.

You are able to perceive stress invading your body and causing pain in general, chronic pain (low back pain, neck pain, etc.) fibromyalgia, or even gastritis, migraine, insomnia, sinusitis, rhinitis, tiredness, weight gain or loss, depression , concentration difficulties?

You may not even realize it, but anxiety can cause changes in your mood, hormonal disorders, bipolar disorders, phobias, panics, allergies in general.

Can you imagine improving these symptoms and helping your immune system work better? You know that pain, gastritis or other symptom that persists, that you do exams and don't give anything: "it can be emotional".


Microphysiotherapy is a French therapy, with hands -Manual Therapy. Points on the body where they are causing all these symptoms are located, identifying the source. Perhaps you may have experienced childhood trauma or separation, aggression, family and/or work problems, or even bullying. These can cause insecurities, fears, panics, anxiety and even depression.

How many sessions are needed? 
From 3 to 4 sessions, once a month.

The Microphysiotherapy
is indicated in case of:

- Headaches (headaches)
-Depression, anxiety, allergies and dermatitis
- bruxism
- Sinusitis, Rhinitis and Insomnia
- Asthma and respiratory problems
-Acute and chronic physical pain (sciatica)
- Bowel stuck or loose

-Emotional trauma, loss, abandonment, separation…) 
-Physical trauma (sprains, bruises, dislocations…)
-Fibromyalgia, Sleep disorders and -Hormonal problems
- Gastritis and also to prevent diseases

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